You Get What You Pay For: The Price of Hoarding Advertising

Despite the growth of digital and non-traditional advertising strategies, good old billboard and hoarding advertising is still going strong. Hoarding advertising, in particular, is growing in importance. Cities continue to grow through development projects, and rural areas are becoming increasingly infrastructured and connected. There’s always something being built somewhere, so there’s always a hoarding waiting … Continued

The Perfect Pair: Vinyl Hoarding Banners for Government Infrastructure Projects

At Mesh Direct, we collaborate with a broad range of clients – commercial or residential developers, event planners and organisers, marketing and advertising experts, private business owners…and the government! Government infrastructure projects with our vinyl hoarding banners where it requires the same signage and safety measures as any other project, with a few added criteria. … Continued

Open Fencing VS Hoarding

Temporary fencing around your development site is more than just a pesky regulation. From meeting building standards to providing an unbeatable marketing opportunity, fencing is an integral element of your development strategy. However, now it’s time to choose between open fencing and closed fencing. But what exactly is the difference between the two? and how … Continued